
Zeplyn: A diverse pop artist on the rise.

Zeplyn: A diverse pop artist on the rise.

Hertfordshire native, Zeplyn has been building her solo career as a talented Pop Singer since the release of her first single in July last year. Influenced by music both new and old, Zeplyn aspires to perform songs that speak to fans across the musical spectrum. Her signature style has become synonymous with a diverse collection of melodies and compositions. We had an opportunity to chat about her love of music and future aspirations.

Hello, How are you? 

I’m great, getting a bit bored of lockdown, but I’ve been keeping very busy creating content! Which has been great. 

At what point did you realize that you wanted to pursue your music career? 

I’ve loved music from a very young age, I grew up around it. I picked up an acoustic guitar and quickly realised I loved writing my own music. I then took to the piano and just started harnessing those skills. Years later I formed a band, which was quite successful but ultimately I felt I outgrew and so now I have my own project, and I’ve just been writing loads of music, having a lot of fun with my visuals and am looking forward to where it goes. So far, so good.

Which artists really inspired you ? 

Jeff Buckley first and foremost. I love Fleetwood Mac, Tori Amos, and the old rock legends like The Who and Led Zeppelin. More recently however, I’m inspired but such an array of different genres and artists like BANKS, James Blake, Post Malone, Kehlani, Hans Zimmer, Bazzi, Rationale. I can go on and on with this, I feel like everyday someone new inspires me. 

What have been your biggest achievements thus far ? 

Performing at Abbey Road Studios was amazing, and I’ve supported Paolo Nutini. My old band still gets thousands of streams which I think is an achievement given I do no promotion for it. Getting on Record of the Day now 3 times has felt great for me. And just the songs I’ve been writing, I’m really proud of and feel that in itself is a bif achievement; growing and getting better always.

What would you say are your biggest challenges at this stage? 

Biggest challenge really is how the music industry is forever changing, music is so accessible now that you need to always be on top of latest trends; and keeping an eye on what resonates with people and what doesn’t.

Do you ever feel pressured to conform to what everyone else is doing? 

Not really. I used to in my old band, but ultimately that doesn’t make you happy and at the end of the day it’s got to be about the music and if you’re not feeling it that will show. People nowadays like authenticity and to see a process and what goes on behind the scenes. It’s very easy to clock if someone is just trying to mimic someone else. You can’t copy someone, you have to conform to your own truth and your own reality and just hope that some people like it.

Name the five tracks that you are loving right now? 

Kehlani – Toxic , Hailee Steinfeld – Wrong Direction, Tell Me That You Feel It Too – Lyves, Masquerade – Elina, Contaminated – BANKS

Do you have any music/ projects out right now that you would like to share? 

My latest single for sure. It’s called ‘Brother’ and has a self made video that you can find on my YouTube –

What is the record about? 

Brother is a tribute to my step brother Harry, who unexpectedly lost his life. It’s possibly the most important track to me that I’ve written to date. The track is a love song for anyone who has ever lost somebody and hopefully resonates with people in a similar situation. ‘You might not be in my blood, hey brother doesn’t matter, it was always enough’ being the key lyric for me, I have a very close extended family. 

During self- Isolation, what are the things that you will be doing that you haven’t had a chance to do? 

I’ve been learning the guitar, and creating a LOT of content. I’ve done a bunch of covers, some videos about my home studio, and also some silly ones/tutorials on my other account ( – i’ve been connecting a lot with fans as well and learning about what works post wise and what doesn’t. I’ve been TikToking (haven’t we all) and just trying to learn as much as possible while I have the time more about self production.

What was the best piece of advice you have ever received? 

Your thoughts become what you are. What you think, you believe. If you change your way of thinking, you can change your life. 

What are your future plans? 

I would like to write with as many different people as possible, and just keep releasing the best music that I can. My first show as Zeplyn got cancelled due to Coronavirus so I’ll be planning a show as soon as it’s possible to do so. And just harnessing my skills, always. There’s always room for improvement. 

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