
Shaefri Cleverly Uses Space to Enhance a Lyrical Journey

Shaefri Cleverly Uses Space to Enhance a Lyrical Journey

Shaefri’s new single, Girl, is the perfect example of how space is used as a tool to enhance a lyrical journey within a particular song. There are three major parts in the song: the verse, the pre-chorus, and the chorus. The verse discusses the artist’s thoughts to try and be there for this “girl,” and the space between the lyrics arguably replicate that process of contemplation. The pre-chorus decreases this space as it discusses what the artist is doing to keep things in control. And this space is even further decreased in the chorus, as it focuses on the artist’s explicit action (as indicated by the lyrics “hold my hand”) to take control of the situation. The chorus is a moment of action and urgency, and the minimal spacing between each word complements just that.

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